
10 Ekim 2015 Cumartesi

Long time no see

I have not been posting anything since.... i have no idea. It was one of those times in life, when you just change the way of how you are living. Since my last pist i have managed to ride kite board, started serious muay thai training, said goodbye to coroprate life and just today started my yoga trainers' training.

So a lot of changes and yet i feel safest and most comfortable as ever in mylife.

Why, for what the hell would someone with a M.Sc degree in mechanical engineering, working at an international project, travelling all the time and had a safe life would quit all and start such a rough tough yet soft and mild journey; becoming a yoga instructor? Because being barefoot and wearing yoga pants for work rocks!

we forgot life, we forgot to live. Life is not about how much money you make, life is not your profession. Money is not something that you live for but it is something that supplies the conditions for your life. Your job is not who you are, it is only what you do. Life is when you breathe, when was the last time you spared some time for yourself? When did you really enjoy life the last time, i mean really enjoy! Like crossing eyes with a stranger on the way and smiling with no reason, making a stupid joke to someone waiting in the que with you.

When it rains you either run away from it trying to save your hair and make up or you can enjoy it by looking upto the sky and letting your self get soaked in water falling on you from the sky. You can either be very grumpy about the mud and traffic and getting wet and fuzzy hair or you just enjoy it like a little girl and  be simply happy.

That is what i did by making this choice. I chose to be happy. I chose dancing under the small drops of water. What the fuck happens if my mascara melts down under my eyes and turns me into an urban panda, i do not get Blind for god's sake. What happens if my hair is fuzzy it is curly afterall, i was just pretending that it was flat.

We have a skeleton in class his name is Osman, he is one of the 3 men in the training studio, the other 2 are yoga instructor candidates. We are mostly women, who got tired of not having time for ourselves, we just want to be in peace. We only need serenity. We are there for a reason and the reason is a passion we all have. We all see yoga different but there is ni right or wrong.

This is a fifferent post today. Yes i am not funny, i do not make mean  jokes 😈

It is a journey where i will learn every damn moment. My life will change oh it will change a big deal. It does not scare me though. My every downward facing dog will be diffferent, same body yes but not the same knowledge. My mind wil expand  my soul will shine more. I will learn to cherish every moment, i will learn to embrace pain and love more. I will not be obsessed with the future nor with the past. My ego will know better where to step down, i know and i advise that you also should learn that once you lose your inspiration you should immediately quit whatever you are doing. What we see as obstacles are not really obstacles, they are there for a reason, you either cry abiut it or make it your faith. You are human! You are practicly water  you can flow around it or over it how you do it is your will.

O took a great big steo today. And it is actually  very small.

Now i see the world diffferent, not beacuse i did 8 hours of training, but i was seeing another world so i took the training. Have still 192 hours for getting the international yoga alliance certificate  and a life time to go.

We need healers in this world, we need someone to remind us that we are not made to work for a car or a bag or a designer piece of cloth. Our value is not really  yes really not measured by the digits of your  bank account. We are grand grand grand sons of naked hunters and catchers. We all have toes, we all pee, we all get hungry and sleep, we are human. How hard is that to accept?

Once you agree that you are a human, in a body with really excellent Engineering, the rest is smooth. Then you start treating yourself better, and tou see that the others around you are also human too. Big surprise, so now you will also treat them in another way. Then at some point you will understand that we are not different at all and pieces of a one divine system and bam your life will change too. And i tell you,  you will not be grumpy anymore, meaning you will be happy. I thought  anothe LV bag or a raise or that Marcheesa dress would make me happy, no i hot them all and I wanted only more.

I am happy as i breath, as i can manage the stress, as i can enjoy a small thing. I might be talking to cats and plants but this is onky because i am crazy, what the hell, it makes me happy.

Long story short, i am very tired and have a very intense day tomorrow, a long sunday with yes! Training. I will get on my mat sit in a meditation oillow with my shiny colourful yoga pants and leatn Anatomy, meditate, practice, study the philosophy get mire tired but eventually be happy.

The crazy fitness girl advices you to do one thing that makes you happy this sunday. Because this is the purpose and meaning of life, to be happy.... Any questins?

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